New Power

Tha Last Family

Ostatnia rodzina



Ostatnia rodzina


Jan P. Matuszyński’s debut (Golden Lions in Gdynia, the Best Actor Award in Locarno for Andrzej Seweryn) is a striking and original approach to biographical film. The script written by Robert Bolesto covers 28 years of life of the Beksiński Family – starting from the day on which Tomasz moves to his own apartment, up until the assault in which his father Zbigniew dies. In the meantime, there is a lot going on between the two, as well as between them and Zofia Beksińska, their mother and wife, respectively. The fascinating story about the artists and their family life is completed by pronounced screen characters played by Andrzej Seweryn, Dawid Ogrodnik and Aleksandra Konieczna.

Before the film we will present Jan P. Matuszyński’s student etude The Carhwash.

A short story about one night in the life of a car wash employee and the turbulence made by a yellow Wartburg.



Director: Jan P. Matuszyński

Screenwriter: Robert Bolesto

Cinematographer: Kacper Fertacz

Editor: Przemysław Chruścielewski

Cast: Andrzej Seweryn, Dawid Ogrodnik, Aleksandra Konieczna

Producer : Leszek Bodzak, Aneta Hickinbotham

Production Company: Aurum Film
